5 Home Product Makeovers:

We focus a lot on eating a ‘clean’ diet, but often overlook many home products which contain countless chemicals that can be just as harmful as GMOs or toxic foods. We choose free-range eggs and avoid chemicals in our food.  But is your home as clean as your diet?  Unfortunately, today we are bombarded with toxins from candles, and deodorant to air fresheners. Every room in your house probably contains some kind of toxin.  Here’s a list of my top 5 worst home offenders.  With this easy home makeover, you can swap harmful products with safe, natural alternatives.


What’s in your water?  If you are drinking tap water, the answer to that question is 300+  chemicals and pollutants, according to research from the Environmental Working Group  Among these contaminants are: fluoride, chlorine, lead, aluminum, arsenic, pharmaceutical residues, and other toxins. So what are your options?  Unfortunately, you’re not necessarily better off with bottled water.  Chemicals specifically, BPA (Bisphenol-A), a type of endocrine disruptor from the plastic bottle itself, can leech into the water and interfere with the normal functioning of the endocrine system, and increase the risk of certain cancers. In most cases, the water itself is no different than tap water.  That being said, having a bottle of water is very convenient definitely opt for a glass bottle instead of plastic.  

Solution:  Invest in a high-quality water filter to install in your home; don’t forget to find filters to attach to your shower heads as well.  If you love a relaxing hot bath like me, you want to make sure you’re not sitting in a toxic cocktail.  Once you have installed a home filtration system, carry a bottle with you to avoid the need for purchasing one.  I like Kleen Kanteen.

To help you decide which water filtration system to invest in, review this water filter buying guide from EWG.


Cleaning Products:

Most conventional products are toxic, so switching to natural cleaning products is an important part of creating a natural home. Not all products are created equal and in many cases, some are harmful.  If you use conventional cleaning products, unfortunately you’re essentially spreading a thin film of toxic chemicals onto your counters and floors.  Toilet bowl cleaners and oven cleaners contain “lye” and other strong acids that can burn the skin and irritate both the eyes and respiratory system.  Here is a natural oven cleaning solution.

Ammonia, found in glass cleaners and other products, irritates the eyes and lungs, and can potentially cause headaches.  Formaldehyde, used as a preservative in soaps and other cleansers, is a suspected carcinogen.  Most conventional household cleaning products are scented with synthetic fragrances that contain phthalates, which are a group of chemicals used to soften and increase the flexibility of plastic and vinyl. They can have harmful health effects.

Solution:   Look for products that are made with plant oils and waxes, and scented with pure essential oils.  You can make your own home cleaning products. Here is a homemade cleaning product recipe from Dr. Josh Axe.



There’s nothing like the gentle flicker of a candle flame to evoke that warm and cozy feeling in your home.  Unfortunately, many candles are made with paraffin, which is derived from petroleum, and scented with artificial perfumes.  A recent study found that paraffin-based candles emit toxic chemicals, including toluene, a solvent that affects the central nervous system, and benzene, a known carcinogen.  Over time, burning paraffin candles can aggravate asthma, cause allergy-like symptoms, and irritate the respiratory tract.  

Solution:  Saleyha Ahsan appeared on the Dr. Mehmet Oz show and gave some great tips on why many scented candles are toxic, and what to look for when we buy them. Here is the link. –  Beeswax and soy candles, scented with pure essential oils, are a healthier choice.  Look for 100% beeswax or soy. The term “pure” means a product must contain only 51% of a stated ingredient, whereas a candle labeled “pure beeswax” or “pure soy” may have 40% paraffin.


Personal Care Products:

Conventional lotions, creams, shampoos, conditioners, deodorants, and other personal care products usually contain phthalates from synthetic fragrances, as well as other toxins.  Parabens, used as preservatives, are endocrine disruptors that have been linked with cancer and reproductive disorders.  Lotions, creams, and makeup are of particular concern because they stay in contact with the skin for hours. Did you know that we absorb up to 60 percent of what we put on our skin? Did you know that the average woman uses 12 products, containing 168 different ingredients, every single day?
The skin is the body’s largest organ and absorbs what you put on it. Every day we use products that we think are safe, but the truth is that a lot of these products are NOT safe. In a typical day, you might be exposed to over 200 different chemicals, many of which are suspected of causing cancer or wreaking havoc with your hormones.


Solution:  Avoid anything with parabens or petrochemicals, and look for personal care products made with saponified coconut oil, plant ingredients, or pure essential oils as fragrances.  Be sure to check out the EWG’s Skin Deep Database to research toxic chemicals that could be in your cosmetic and personal care products. Get educated and avoid these harmful, hazardous, and toxic ingredients. Make sure you read your labels and become your own detective.


Air Fresheners:

Room sprays may contain phthalates, a group of chemicals used to soften and increase the flexibility of plastic and vinyl.  In scented products, diethyl phthalate (DEP) is used as a base for synthetic fragrances such as air fresheners, room sprays, dryer sheets, perfumes, and other scented products.  Studies have linked phthalates to male infertility, premature breast development, cancer, miscarriage, and premature birth.


Solution:  Look for non-aerosol room sprays or solid air fresheners made with pure essential oils.  You can also diffuse your favourite essential oils;  personally I love to diffuse lavender, lemongrass, and orange.  Another option is diluting a few drops of citrus liquid soap (I like Dr. Bronner) in ¾ of water and pour into a spritz bottle. Spray around your home for a fruity non-toxic spring scented air!


I have mentioned essential oils quite a lot and I do love them myself , but please do your due diligence before purchasing any. Please read this article to gain further insight.


You can download the EWG app here to get ratings for more than 120,000 foods and personal care products. Now it is at your fingertips!  Simply scan a product, review its rating, and pick the better choice for you and your family.

Your home is the laboratory of life; be your own chemist!

“When you know better, you do better.” – Maya Angelou


Thanks for reading and keep well.





Tara Gloor Health Coach Wellness Expert Signature (5)