Happy New Year 2019

Happy New Year 2019

Happy New Year! Welcome to 2019!!


It’s time to set intentions for what you’d like to create in the New Year.


The symbolism of a new year gives us a desire to start fresh, and it’s often expressed in resolutions. Did you know that only 8% of people are successful at keeping their New Year’s resolutions?  We make so many unrealistic and unattainable promises to ourselves that it’s no wonder we’ve given up by February.


Everyone loves a fresh, clean slate, but don’t underestimate the power of learning from the past.


Take some time to reflect. Find a space just for you, no piles of to-do lists, or dirty dishes… just peace and quiet, perhaps light a candle or listen to some music. As you review your year, spend some time reviewing your successes, achievements, and areas that need improvement. Create a list of things or patterns to let go of that didn’t serve you this past year as well as things you don’t want to carry with you in the new year. What were the major lessons? Do you notice any repeating patterns? Procrastination, clutter, fear, etc.? Check in with what you want to STOP doing. What’s been weighing you down? What didn’t work? Reflecting on your answers can give you a great deal of insight into the direction you need to take. Letting go of what no longer serves you or is hindering you gives you space to do more of what lights you up and allows you the space for something new.


“Be like a tree and let the dead leaves drop.” Rumi



Focus on 3-4 major intentions for the year – What’s your big vision? When you have your “big” vision, break it down into monthly and weekly goals. By doing this, you can stay away from overwhelm….


Be clear on your ‘why’ and be specific with your intentions. For example, it’s not enough to say I want to lose weight. Why do you want to lose weight? How will it make you feel? What are you going to do to lose the weight? Knowing your ‘why’ will allow you to get in touch on an emotional level. Write these answers down, then write 10 steps to achieve this goal. You need a plan in place to achieve the goal.


“A goal without a plan is just a wish.”  Antoine de Saint-Exupery


Remember your body, mind, and relationships are your most important investments. Spending time and energy in these areas is a perfect way to reset, restore your energy, and return to a sense of well-being. Take time to understand your needs and goals. This year, make it a goal to practice gratitude and invest in yourself!


Whatever mistakes you have made in the past, know that it’s never too late to change. You are so much stronger than you know.


“Keep your goals in front of you and your fears behind you.”  Tony Robbins


“Today is page 1, Chapter 1, Go Create Your Story”.


Here’s to new beginnings…

To taking chances…

Living it up, laughing out loud.

And embracing all that…

Life has to offer!


Wishing you health, happiness, and prosperity for the year ahead, and always.


Keep well and thanks for reading.




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Simply click on this link to join my free, private Facebook group.
It’s a supportive and inspirational community of women all on a mission to get healthy and happy together.  I share daily tips and recommendations in the group.

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Tips to Survive the Holidays

Tips to Survive the Holidays

I do love the festive season; it’s my favourite time of year, but when it comes to self-care it can certainly present some challenges.

The holidays are intended for families and special friends to come together and celebrate, but the never-ending list of events and things to do, has us rushing around. As a result, our healthy diets are often tossed aside, and our sleep patterns are often overlooked.  It is a recipe for burn-out for many of us. The good news is that we can change the way we approach the celebrations and make sure that we are taking care of our needs during this hectic time.  

It’s important to know your limits so that you don’t overexert yourself and get burned out.

During this time, try to consider what you really need to feel good – physically and mentally, and then make the effort to do those things, which I know is sometimes easier said than done!

I wanted to share some of the things that help me avoid getting overwhelmed during this busy time.


Put yourself at the top of your to do list 

Remember, if you’re not your best for yourself, you won’t be at your best to help others. When I take on too many tasks or let my self-care routine slip, I can easily get overwhelmed, especially this time of year.  Make yourself your #1 priority. Ensure you get your sleep, your nutritious meals, your relaxation, your peace, first. It’s okay to say yes, but it’s also okay to say no.


Morning Routine

If every day you make a little time for yourself first thing, you can move through your day with more calm and ease. Your morning routine might only be 5 minutes long to start, but even that will help. Use the time to sit quietly with a cup of tea, meditate, journal, walk, or include other activities that feed your body, mind, heart, and soul.


Take a Walk

Go outside and take a walk. Don’t worry about burning calories or tracking steps, just enjoy yourself.


Eat Well

It’s easy to succumb to eating more sugar and carbs with all the tasty treats available around the holidays. Indulge in your favourite holiday treats but eat really well during 85-90% of the time. Eat greens at every meal, even breakfast. Don’t eat the rubbish you don’t really care about just because it’s there. Chew really well and savour the bites of your all-time favourites.



Give your body and brain a chance to recharge on those go-go-go holiday marathon days. Even 20 minutes will make a big difference.



Don’t underestimate the benefits of a good laugh. Humour is great for stress reduction. Watch a funny move, sing, dance, listen to music. Keep things light and find time for some humour. I personally love watching the Hallmark Christmas movies in the evenings. It allows me to switch off and not take things so seriously.


Be Grateful

Directing more of our attention towards gratitude for the things that make our lives wonderful are scientifically proven to make us healthier, more energetic, less stressed and anxious, and help us get better sleep. Take some time to think about the people and things that you are grateful for. This act alone seems to help reduce stress.



This is a tough one for me, but it does work. Learn to take deep, centering breaths throughout the day. They help relax your body and mind. I find it helps when I am over-thinking or over-reacting. Inhaling essential oils also really helps.


Move / Exercise

Try and keep your exercise routine over the holidays. I know this isn’t always easy, but it’s one of the best ways to beat stress. If you don’t have as much time to dedicate to exercise, make sure you find some time to just ‘move’.


Protect your Sleep

Lack of sleep can really affect your emotional and physical health. It can lead to weight gain, stress and irritability. Most of us sleep less during this time of year, up late with parties, last minute gift wrapping, worrying about making the ‘perfect’ meal or finding the ‘perfect’ present, etc.  Protecting your sleep routine is key to maintaining balance.


Stay Hydrated

When our schedules are busy, we sometimes forget to do obvious things like drinking enough water. If you’re feeling sluggish, it could be because you’re not properly hydrated. Make sure you regularly drink enough water, especially when the weather is dry and cold. For those holiday parties, a good rule of thumb is alternating between an alcoholic beverage and a hydrating glass of water. Also, make sure you’re hydrated before that holiday gathering. 🙂


Listen to your Body

Many people ignore or override their body’s signals. Your body might be able to tolerate this neglect under normal circumstances but adding the increased stress of the holiday season might be more than it can take. To increase your chance of staying healthy during the holidays listen to your body. For example, take time to eat if you feel hungry. If you’re sleepy, get enough sleep. Learning to listen to my body is one of the best things I have done recently.

Take a time out, do at least one thing each day to unplug and get away from the holiday preparations. Have a quiet cup of tea and enjoy it without multi-tasking. Escape for a few minutes to read a good book. Listen to some holiday music curled up on the couch. Most of all, make sure you’re spending time with those you love each day. These little moments will help you feel more rested and keep your mind calm.


The holidays can set us up for unrealistic expectations. It almost seems a “magical” time of year and we dream of the perfect holiday, but it can take its toll. Let go of expectations and learn how to set boundaries. If you’ve already overdone it, consider a full stop. Sometimes backing off isn’t enough. Take a whole day to yourself and vow to do nothing more than take care of yourself all day long.

Take care of yourself over the holidays. It’s the best gift you can give yourself and everyone you love.

Wishing you a wonderful holiday season, and please remember to Put yourself at the top of your to do list!!!

Thanks for reading and keep well,

Tara Xx


4 Ways to Beat Fatigue Naturally

4 Ways to Beat Fatigue Naturally

In today’s world, we are constantly on the go, a steady state “busy-ness” is the norm, and we’re always running from one responsibility to the next. So, it’s no wonder that physical fatigue is such a common complaint.

The good news is that there are some really simple (and natural) ways to increase your energy so you can keep up with your busy life.

Get off the blood sugar roller coaster

One of the simplest ways we can boost our energy is to stabilise blood sugar. When we don’t eat enough food throughout the day or when we eat foods that are higher in sugar, our energy levels bottom out.

You can balance your blood sugar, and boost your energy naturally by:

  • Eating every 3-4 hours gives your body the nutrients and fuel it needs to keep your blood sugar – and energy levels steady
  • Consuming foods that are low on the glycemic index (think fruits and veggies, whole grains) instead of the higher sugar white breads and pastas.
  • Eating protein with every meal to slow down the release of carbohydrates into your bloodstream. Protein is broken down and released slower so you’re less likely to have a blood sugar spike and subsequent crash.


When you’re tired, the last thing you want to do is exercise. However, as hard as it can be to get off the couch, it’s one of the best things you can do to fight fatigue.

And, it turns out that you don’t even have to commit to a long workout!

A California State University study concluded that even a brisk 10-minute walk can increase your energy for up to 2 hours.

So, when you feel that afternoon slump coming on, skip the coffee and lace up your trainers instead.

Up your sleep game

It may seem obvious that lack of sleep causes fatigue. However, did you know that the quality of your sleep can have an even bigger impact on your daily energy? Even slight disturbances in our sleep can affect how rested we feel the next day.

Here are a couple of tips for a more restful sleep:

  • Avoid technology in the bedroom, or within 1-2 hours of bedtime. Even the small amount of light, especially the blue light emitted from devices, interrupts your body’s circadian rhythm. Your brain still thinks it’s daytime and won’t wind down.
  • Avoid caffeine late in the day – or avoid all together if this is a problem for you
  • Try to create a regular sleep/wake schedule to help your body develop a sleep routine = good sleep hygiene.
  • Dab a bit of calming lavender essential oil on your temples before bed or put a few drops on your pillow. Breathe in the calm.

Drink up!

Before you reach for that coffee or energy drink to perk you up, consider switching to plain old water. While caffeine is usually the first choice for busting out of an energy slump, it can be dehydrating.

And then there’s dehydration. Even mild dehydration impairs our concentration, decreases our mood and zaps our energy.

How do you know if you may be dehydrated?

Check the colour of your urine. If it’s the colour of straw, you’re good to go. If it’s a darker yellow colour, it’s time to drink up.

If you’re still craving a caffeine hit, try the Energising Matcha Smoothie recipe below.

Matcha gives a longer lasting energy boost than coffee. It doesn’t hit you hard and then cause you to crash. Plus, the recipe really is delicious!


Energising Vanilla Matcha Smoothie


  • 1 cup of unsweetened almond milk (or other non-dairy milk)
  • 1 scoop of vanilla protein powder (your choice, no added sugar)
  • 1-2 tsp matcha green tea powder (start with less if you’re new to matcha – it packs a kick!)
  • ½ frozen banana
  • Ice cubes (optional)
  • 1 large handful of spinach or kale (optional, but recommended)


How to prepare

Combine all ingredients into a blender and blend until desired smoothness is achieved. Sip and enjoy!


Oil of the Week – Clary Sage

With uses dating back to the Middle Ages, Clary Sage essential oil includes relaxing and soothing properties that help with rejuvenation and calming of the skin.

Ladies, during your menstrual cycle, rub three to five drops on the abdomen for a soothing massage. You can also combine with Roman Chamomile and add to bath water for a stress-relieving bath, or diffuse or apply to a pillow at night for a restful sleep!

Here is my direct website if you are interested or just want to take a peek. Please reach out if you have ANY questions.


Thanks for reading and keep well,


P.S. Full disclosure: If you order directly from the link I provided, as an Independent Wellness Advocate with doTERRA, I will receive compensation from any purchase.

Are you excited for more support, ideas, and inspiration?

Simply click on this link to join my free, private Facebook group.
It’s a supportive and inspirational community of women all on a mission to get healthy and happy together.  I share daily tips and recommendations in the group.

Please take a moment to read the DISCLAIMER

To Weigh or Not To Weigh…

To Weigh or Not To Weigh…

What the numbers on the bathroom scale really mean.

We all know the frustration of working hard to maintain a healthy body weight, only to step on the bathroom scale and see the numbers going in the wrong direction – or not quickly enough in the right direction!

Here are 6 truths about those annoyingly normal daily weight fluctuations:


1| Scale weight is not a true measurement of your health. It is simply one of many variables you should be taking into account to determine if you are approaching or maintaining your optimal body weight.

2| When you wake up after fasting – usually for around 12 hours, you’re completely dehydrated and at your lowest weight of the day. This is why it’s recommended to weigh yourself first thing in the morning after you’ve voided, and before you eat or drink anything.

3| Speaking of voiding… you can experience daily weight fluctuations of 1-3+ lbs. due to waste that could be lingering in your large colon.

Be sure to keep the bowels moving with plenty of fluids, plant-based fibre and targeted supplementation, if necessary.

4| Your scale doesn’t just weigh fat. It weighs muscle, bone, organs, water, and as you just learned – poop!

When you lose weight, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you’ve lost body fat as the average bathroom scale has no way of telling you what bodily tissues you’ve lost. Weighing “skinny” on the scale does not always translate into healthy off the scale.

FACT: The more muscle you have the more energy your body burns, even when you’re just sitting around – due to the fact that it’s a metabolically active tissue. That’s one reason why a fit, active person is generally able to eat more than say the chronic dieter who is unknowingly breaking down and losing muscle.

5| Likewise, the scale can’t tell if you’ve gained muscle.  Building muscle makes it possible to drop clothing sizes (and lose inches) without a significant change, if any, in scale weight.

THINK OF IT LIKE THIS: a pound of muscle is like a small, compact brick, whereas a pound of fat is like a bulky, lumpy pillow. So that’s why when you gain muscle and lose fat, your figure appears slimmer and more firm – but your scale weight may not change much.

6| For all the ladies out there…it’s not you, it’s your HORMONES!

Some women can gain up to 10 lbs. right before or during their period. This is because of the natural drop in Progesterone just before your period often causes digestive issues like water retention and constipation. And, let’s not forget how heavy poop can be!


Our bodies also tend to lose Magnesium in the days before menstruation, which drives our Insulin levels up leading to an increase in food cravings – especially for sugar.


Insulin is a hormone made by the pancreas that keeps blood sugar levels in check but is also considered a fat storage hormone.


THE BOTTOM LINE: these yo-yoing numbers have nothing to do with your long-term progress and they are just part of the overall health optimization journey.


Simply do your best to maintain an overall healthy lifestyle and understand that daily weight fluctuations are completely normal!


“The scale can only give you a numerical reflection of your relationship with gravity. That’s it.

It cannot measure beauty, talent, purpose, life force, possibility, strength or love.”

— Steve Maraboli



Oil of the Week – Spearmint

 As a milder alternative to other mint essential oils, Spearmint is gentle enough to use topically or while cooking, without losing any of its freshness.

Spearmint is a perennial plant that grows 11-40 inches tall and flourishes in temperate climates. It is widely used in gums, candies, and dental products for its minty taste, and to promote fresh breath. Spearmint has been used for centuries for its digestive benefits.

Its sweet, refreshing aroma is cleansing and uplifting, making it ideal to evoke a sense of focus and a positive mood. Spearmint is very different from Peppermint, making it a milder option to use on children and those with sensitive skin. In cooking, Spearmint is frequently used in salads, drinks, and desserts, but it can also be used in homemade salad dressings and to marinate meats.

Here is my direct website if you are interested or just want to take a peek. Please reach out if you have ANY questions.


Thanks for reading and keep well,


P.S. Full disclosure: If you order directly from the link I provided, as an Independent Wellness Advocate with doTERRA, I will receive compensation from any purchase.

Are you excited for more support, ideas, and inspiration?

Simply click on this link to join my free, private Facebook group.
It’s a supportive and inspirational community of women all on a mission to get healthy and happy together.  I share daily tips and recommendations in the group.

Please take a moment to read the DISCLAIMER

Essential Oils 101: All the Basics You Need to Know!

Essential Oils 101: All the Basics You Need to Know!

The power of essential oils (EO’s) is real – have YOU made them part of your everyday life yet?


We’re going to lay out all of the basics, so you can get on this one bandwagon that’s here for the long haul. And when you learn about the history of EO’s, you’ll know that they’re not even new. In fact, EO’s have been around for centuries!

Some essential oils come from seeds while many others are extracted from the leaves of the plant. Because EO’s are so highly concentrated, it takes a tremendous amount of plant to produce just one ounce of oil.

Due to this level of concentration, essential oils are incredibly powerful, so a little bit goes a long way!


Some “essential” terms you should know:


Essential oils are basically the natural aromatic compounds extracted from seeds, bark, stems, roots, flowers, and other parts of plants. Diffusion is one of the most popular ways to enjoy the aromatic benefits of essential oils.


This refers to a lipid- or fat-based liquid used to dilute EO’s. Olive, coconut, almond, jojoba and argan oils are the most common ones.


The process of extracting essential oil from plant material.

Steam distillation is the most common distillation method that uses low-heat pressurized steam to circulate through plant parts and extract oils.

Cold press distillation uses a mechanical press to squeeze essential oils from plant parts and is the most commonly used method for obtaining citrus oils – a classic ingredient in DIY household cleaning products. This is to preserve their aromatic bounty!


Historic Essential Oils

Despite being suddenly catapulted into popularity, essential oils are not a new thing.

The ancient Egyptians were among the first to use aromatic essential oils for daily life, and pure EO’s were prized and saved for priests and royals. Other ancient societies, such as those in China, Greece and Rome used EO’s for aromatherapy, illness, and personal hygiene.


Essential oil starter kit:

Are you a newbie to EO’s?

Here are 4 of the most popular ones to try first, and a few suggested uses. They make great staples in your medicine cabinet too!


TEA TREE OIL (Melaleuca): Soothing, cleansing & healing

  • Combine 1–2 drops with your preferred facial cleanser (or moisturiser) for added cleansing properties
  • Mix 1-2 drops with pure aloe vera gel and apply to skin after shaving
  • Use diluted with water and/or vinegar as a surface cleaner
  • Add a few drops to shampoo and massage into the scalp – use in your conditioner too
  • Add a drop to toothpaste or swish with water for a quick and easy mouth rinse – but do not swallow or ingest


LAVENDER: Soothing & calming

  • Add a few drops to your pillow or bottoms of your feet for a restful night’s sleep – or use in a diffuser near your bed
  • Apply topically to help heal pimples, skin inflammation and irritation – be sure to test a drop on your skin to test for sensitivity; dilution may be required
  • Soak away stress! Add a few drops to a warm bath


LEMON: Cleansing, revitalising & uplifting

  • Use to remove gum, glue, or any other sticky residues from surfaces
  • Use in a diffuser to purify the air, creating an uplifting & refreshing aroma
  • Add to a spray bottle full of water to clean tables, countertops, and other surfaces.


PEPPERMINT: Cooling & energising

  • Apply a few drops directly to the skin of the back of your neck to cool off
  • For a refreshing aroma, diffuse at night by your bedside
  • Feeling tense? Rub on head and neck for a soothing, calming sensation
  • Add to shampoo or conditioner for a stimulating & invigorating scalp massage
  • Use as a natural bug repellent


Other popular ones for beginners are essentials oils of frankincense, clove, eucalyptus, clary sage, sweet orange, grapefruit, and rosemary.


Applications, skin sensitivity & ingestion

Essential oils can be used topically, which means you can apply them directly on the skin, mix them with carrier oils or mix with other personal care products.

DILUTE — A category of essential oils that should be mixed with a carrier oil. The carrier oil will help transport the EO’s onto the skin.

NEAT — A category of essential oils that can be applied topically without dilution because of a chemistry that is considered mild.

INGESTION— While there may be indication for internal ingestion of EO’s for therapeutic purposes, many of the ailments that we experience do not need such a heavy dose internally and may be more effectively addressed through inhalation (diffusers, personal inhalers, etc.) or topical application (salves, massage oils, baths, etc.).

Be sure to consult a professional aromatherapist before ingesting essential oils. Always make informed choices and do your own research when choosing to use EO’s.


Essential oils are incredibly powerful and serve many purposes for the home, and in daily health routines. With some basic knowledge, and having a few high-quality oils on hand, you can DIY dozens of homemade products, and enjoy many therapeutic benefits.


Oil of the Week – Wintergreen

Wintergreen essential oil is derived from the leaves of a creeping shrub found in coniferous areas. Taken from the rural mountains of Nepal, the soothing and stimulating properties of Wintergreen provide a fresh, uplifting aroma.


Research shows that wintergreen oil has the ability to act like a natural analgesic (pain reducer), antiarthritic, antiseptic and astringent. Wintergreen oil primarily contains the active ingredient methyl salicylate, which makes up about 85% to 99% of wintergreen essential oil. It’s one of the best sources of this inflammation-fighting compound in the world


Wintergreen oil does more than just add minty flavour to food. Wintergreen oil benefits include relieving muscle’s, reducing swelling and irritation, improving digestion and treating colds, fevers, infections and even the flu.


Please reach out if you have ANY questions.


Thanks for reading and keep well,


P.S. Full disclosure: If you order directly from the link I provided, as an Independent Wellness Advocate with doTERRA, I will receive compensation from any purchase.

Are you excited for more support, ideas, and inspiration?

Simply click on this link to join my free, private Facebook group.
It’s a supportive and inspirational community of women all on a mission to get healthy and happy together.  I share daily tips and recommendations in the group.

Please take a moment to read the DISCLAIMER

The Great Soda Debate: Regular or Diet? Which is Healthier?

The Great Soda Debate: Regular or Diet? Which is Healthier?

Is one really healthier than the other?

You don’t have to be a health nut to know that soda isn’t good for you. But is it really all that bad?

Is it ok to just have it once in a while? And if you’re going to have it, is it better to have the regular sugar-filled version or the zero calorie “diet” kind?

Well, let’s weigh-in on the facts:


Regular soda – as bad as they say?


  • It doesn’t contain artificial sweeteners (aspartame, sucralose, saccharin) that have gotten a really bad rap lately


  • The sugar! A 12-ounce can of cola has about 8 teaspoons; almost the daily limit as recommended by the American Heart Association
  • Drinking 1-2 cans a day can increase your risk of type 2 diabetes by up to 26%
  • Regular sodas are filled with High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) which is linked to obesity, heart disease and fatty liver disease

Diet soda – is it actually better for you?


  • It feeds the craving for something sweet without adding extra calories or carbs, if you’re concerned about this
  • Since it’s sugar-free, diabetics can sip without worrying about the direct hit to their insulin and blood sugar levels


  • While diet soda may be considered ‘safe’ for diabetics, they are far from nutritious as the artificial sweeteners in diet soda actually cause you to crave more sugar. When we drink it, our body is expecting sugar. Then when it doesn’t get it, it responds with even more cravings – for sugar!
  • Diet soda drinkers tend to gain more weight particularly around their belly. One study said that frequent drinkers of diet soda gained up to three times more belly fat than their non-diet soda drinking counterparts.
  • Diet soda is now being linked with cancer, heart attacks, strokes and neurological disorders.

The verdict on soda

Neither regular or diet soda are going to improve your health. They are literally devoid of any health benefits. In fact, both are linked to significant health issues.


So, what should you choose?

The best bet would be to steer clear of both, if you can. However, if you do decide to have a soda from time to time, the choice is ultimately up to you.

If you’re sensitive to sugar, then perhaps the diet soda may be your best bet. But, if artificial sweeteners wreak havoc on your digestive system, you may want to go with the regular soda instead.


What to drink instead

The healthiest drink you can give your body is plain old water. And while water may not seem as exciting as soda, you can shake it up by adding lemon, lime or berries – or even cucumber and mint for a bit of flavour.

Sparkling waters (sugar free and artificial sweetener free) can also be a great alternative for a soda replacement since they still contain some bubbles and fizz.





For another delicious way to stay hydrated, try this refreshing coconut water-based hydrator:

Lemon-Lime Refresher Recipe


  • 3 cups of water (filtered, sparkling or even better – coconut water!)
  • ¼ cup of fresh lemon juice
  • ¼ cup of fresh lime juice
  • 2-3 tbsp of maple syrup or honey (or stevia to taste for a sugar-free alternative)
  • ½ tsp sea salt or ¼ tsp Himalayan pink salt
  • Ice cubes


How to prepare:

 Combine all ingredients well. Then sip throughout the day and enjoy.


Oil of the WeekLemongrass 

A favourite oil for massages, Lemongrass provides a pungent, smoky aroma, and offers purifying and toning benefits for the skin.

A tall, perennial plant, Lemongrass has a subtle citrus flavour and is used in Asian cuisine in soups, teas, and curries as well as with fish, poultry, beef, and seafood. In addition to its unique flavour, Lemongrass essential oil promotes healthy digestion and acts as an overall tonic to the body’s systems when ingested.

It’s also purifying and toning to the skin and is frequently used in skin care products for these benefits. Lemongrass is an ideal oil to use in massage therapy. Lemongrass has a pungent, herbaceous aroma that can heighten awareness and promote a positive outlook.

Some research has shown that lemongrass essential oil has powerful antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antifungal, and astringent abilities.

Here is my direct website if you’re interested or just want to take a peek. Please reach out if you have ANY questions.


Thanks for reading and keep well,



P.S. Full disclosure: If you order directly from the link I provided, as an Independent Wellness Advocate with doTERRA, I will receive compensation from any purchase.

Are you excited for more support, ideas, and inspiration?

Simply click on this link to join my free, private Facebook group.
It’s a supportive and inspirational community of women all on a mission to get healthy and happy together.  I share daily tips and recommendations in the group.

Please take a moment to read the DISCLAIMER