To Weigh or Not To Weigh…

To Weigh or Not To Weigh…

What the numbers on the bathroom scale really mean.

We all know the frustration of working hard to maintain a healthy body weight, only to step on the bathroom scale and see the numbers going in the wrong direction – or not quickly enough in the right direction!

Here are 6 truths about those annoyingly normal daily weight fluctuations:


1| Scale weight is not a true measurement of your health. It is simply one of many variables you should be taking into account to determine if you are approaching or maintaining your optimal body weight.

2| When you wake up after fasting – usually for around 12 hours, you’re completely dehydrated and at your lowest weight of the day. This is why it’s recommended to weigh yourself first thing in the morning after you’ve voided, and before you eat or drink anything.

3| Speaking of voiding… you can experience daily weight fluctuations of 1-3+ lbs. due to waste that could be lingering in your large colon.

Be sure to keep the bowels moving with plenty of fluids, plant-based fibre and targeted supplementation, if necessary.

4| Your scale doesn’t just weigh fat. It weighs muscle, bone, organs, water, and as you just learned – poop!

When you lose weight, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you’ve lost body fat as the average bathroom scale has no way of telling you what bodily tissues you’ve lost. Weighing “skinny” on the scale does not always translate into healthy off the scale.

FACT: The more muscle you have the more energy your body burns, even when you’re just sitting around – due to the fact that it’s a metabolically active tissue. That’s one reason why a fit, active person is generally able to eat more than say the chronic dieter who is unknowingly breaking down and losing muscle.

5| Likewise, the scale can’t tell if you’ve gained muscle.  Building muscle makes it possible to drop clothing sizes (and lose inches) without a significant change, if any, in scale weight.

THINK OF IT LIKE THIS: a pound of muscle is like a small, compact brick, whereas a pound of fat is like a bulky, lumpy pillow. So that’s why when you gain muscle and lose fat, your figure appears slimmer and more firm – but your scale weight may not change much.

6| For all the ladies out there…it’s not you, it’s your HORMONES!

Some women can gain up to 10 lbs. right before or during their period. This is because of the natural drop in Progesterone just before your period often causes digestive issues like water retention and constipation. And, let’s not forget how heavy poop can be!


Our bodies also tend to lose Magnesium in the days before menstruation, which drives our Insulin levels up leading to an increase in food cravings – especially for sugar.


Insulin is a hormone made by the pancreas that keeps blood sugar levels in check but is also considered a fat storage hormone.


THE BOTTOM LINE: these yo-yoing numbers have nothing to do with your long-term progress and they are just part of the overall health optimization journey.


Simply do your best to maintain an overall healthy lifestyle and understand that daily weight fluctuations are completely normal!


“The scale can only give you a numerical reflection of your relationship with gravity. That’s it.

It cannot measure beauty, talent, purpose, life force, possibility, strength or love.”

— Steve Maraboli



Oil of the Week – Spearmint

 As a milder alternative to other mint essential oils, Spearmint is gentle enough to use topically or while cooking, without losing any of its freshness.

Spearmint is a perennial plant that grows 11-40 inches tall and flourishes in temperate climates. It is widely used in gums, candies, and dental products for its minty taste, and to promote fresh breath. Spearmint has been used for centuries for its digestive benefits.

Its sweet, refreshing aroma is cleansing and uplifting, making it ideal to evoke a sense of focus and a positive mood. Spearmint is very different from Peppermint, making it a milder option to use on children and those with sensitive skin. In cooking, Spearmint is frequently used in salads, drinks, and desserts, but it can also be used in homemade salad dressings and to marinate meats.

Here is my direct website if you are interested or just want to take a peek. Please reach out if you have ANY questions.


Thanks for reading and keep well,


P.S. Full disclosure: If you order directly from the link I provided, as an Independent Wellness Advocate with doTERRA, I will receive compensation from any purchase.

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The Great Soda Debate: Regular or Diet? Which is Healthier?

The Great Soda Debate: Regular or Diet? Which is Healthier?

Is one really healthier than the other?

You don’t have to be a health nut to know that soda isn’t good for you. But is it really all that bad?

Is it ok to just have it once in a while? And if you’re going to have it, is it better to have the regular sugar-filled version or the zero calorie “diet” kind?

Well, let’s weigh-in on the facts:


Regular soda – as bad as they say?


  • It doesn’t contain artificial sweeteners (aspartame, sucralose, saccharin) that have gotten a really bad rap lately


  • The sugar! A 12-ounce can of cola has about 8 teaspoons; almost the daily limit as recommended by the American Heart Association
  • Drinking 1-2 cans a day can increase your risk of type 2 diabetes by up to 26%
  • Regular sodas are filled with High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) which is linked to obesity, heart disease and fatty liver disease

Diet soda – is it actually better for you?


  • It feeds the craving for something sweet without adding extra calories or carbs, if you’re concerned about this
  • Since it’s sugar-free, diabetics can sip without worrying about the direct hit to their insulin and blood sugar levels


  • While diet soda may be considered ‘safe’ for diabetics, they are far from nutritious as the artificial sweeteners in diet soda actually cause you to crave more sugar. When we drink it, our body is expecting sugar. Then when it doesn’t get it, it responds with even more cravings – for sugar!
  • Diet soda drinkers tend to gain more weight particularly around their belly. One study said that frequent drinkers of diet soda gained up to three times more belly fat than their non-diet soda drinking counterparts.
  • Diet soda is now being linked with cancer, heart attacks, strokes and neurological disorders.

The verdict on soda

Neither regular or diet soda are going to improve your health. They are literally devoid of any health benefits. In fact, both are linked to significant health issues.


So, what should you choose?

The best bet would be to steer clear of both, if you can. However, if you do decide to have a soda from time to time, the choice is ultimately up to you.

If you’re sensitive to sugar, then perhaps the diet soda may be your best bet. But, if artificial sweeteners wreak havoc on your digestive system, you may want to go with the regular soda instead.


What to drink instead

The healthiest drink you can give your body is plain old water. And while water may not seem as exciting as soda, you can shake it up by adding lemon, lime or berries – or even cucumber and mint for a bit of flavour.

Sparkling waters (sugar free and artificial sweetener free) can also be a great alternative for a soda replacement since they still contain some bubbles and fizz.





For another delicious way to stay hydrated, try this refreshing coconut water-based hydrator:

Lemon-Lime Refresher Recipe


  • 3 cups of water (filtered, sparkling or even better – coconut water!)
  • ¼ cup of fresh lemon juice
  • ¼ cup of fresh lime juice
  • 2-3 tbsp of maple syrup or honey (or stevia to taste for a sugar-free alternative)
  • ½ tsp sea salt or ¼ tsp Himalayan pink salt
  • Ice cubes


How to prepare:

 Combine all ingredients well. Then sip throughout the day and enjoy.


Oil of the WeekLemongrass 

A favourite oil for massages, Lemongrass provides a pungent, smoky aroma, and offers purifying and toning benefits for the skin.

A tall, perennial plant, Lemongrass has a subtle citrus flavour and is used in Asian cuisine in soups, teas, and curries as well as with fish, poultry, beef, and seafood. In addition to its unique flavour, Lemongrass essential oil promotes healthy digestion and acts as an overall tonic to the body’s systems when ingested.

It’s also purifying and toning to the skin and is frequently used in skin care products for these benefits. Lemongrass is an ideal oil to use in massage therapy. Lemongrass has a pungent, herbaceous aroma that can heighten awareness and promote a positive outlook.

Some research has shown that lemongrass essential oil has powerful antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antifungal, and astringent abilities.

Here is my direct website if you’re interested or just want to take a peek. Please reach out if you have ANY questions.


Thanks for reading and keep well,



P.S. Full disclosure: If you order directly from the link I provided, as an Independent Wellness Advocate with doTERRA, I will receive compensation from any purchase.

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It’s a supportive and inspirational community of women all on a mission to get healthy and happy together.  I share daily tips and recommendations in the group.

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What You Need To Know If You Love Grapefruit

What You Need To Know If You Love Grapefruit

If You Take Medications, You Need to Know About Grapefruit.


 Grapefruit is good for you!

It’s a vitamin C-rich citrus fruit that’s low in sugar and contains vitamin A, potassium, and fibre. It has a low glycemic index and does not spike your blood sugar when you eat it. The pink and red varieties also contain lycopene.

It’s definitely a nutritious health-promoting food.

It even had a whole weight-loss diet created around it – the “grapefruit diet!” Research has proven that grapefruit doesn’t have any magical weight loss properties, so don’t eat it just to lose weight.

But…there is something you need to know about grapefruit if you take medications.


Grapefruit-Medication Interaction

Grapefruit enhances the effects of many medications – over 85 at last count; this is sometimes called the “grapefruit effect.” Taking grapefruit (or its juice) along with certain medications – even a day apart – can increase the risk of side effects.

For example, when taken with certain blood pressure lowering medications it lowers blood pressure too much. This causes lightheadedness and other symptoms.

Another example is when taken with certain birth control pills, women have a higher risk of blood clots.

Grapefruit affects the metabolism of some of the following categories of medications:

  • Blood pressure
  • Birth control
  • Chemotherapy
  • Anti-infection
  • Cholesterol-lowering
  • Immunosuppressive and anti-rejection
  • Urinary tract agents
  • Some over-the-counter cough medication

When the medication is taken within 24-72 hours of consuming grapefruit or its juice (yes, up to three days later!), there can be an interaction and potential side effect. In fact, for half of the medications affected, the grapefruit effect can be serious. Serious effects include heart and muscle issues and kidney toxicity, just to name a few.

How does this even happen, and why is grapefruit special?

How does grapefruit interact with medications?

Grapefruit (as well as Seville oranges, limes, and pomelos) contain a compound called “furanocoumarin.” It’s this compound that inhibits (stops) an enzyme in our gut (enzyme CYP 3A4) from working properly.

When working properly, this enzyme breaks down and metabolises many compounds we ingest, including dozens of medications.

When the enzyme is inhibited, like when we’ve consumed grapefruit, this slows down the enzyme. This leads to slowing down of the rate these medications are metabolised and eliminated from the body.

If you slow down metabolism and elimination, this leads to higher than normal levels of medications in the blood – up to 137% higher! This “enhances” their effect and can cause those side effects.

If you need to replace grapefruit or its juice in your diet, try another fruit or vegetable. Or, talk with your doctor about swapping for another medication that’s not affected by grapefruit.


Since one glass of grapefruit juice can affect the enzyme’s function for over 24-hours, it’s advisable to stop eating the grapefruit or drinking its juice altogether while you’re taking certain medications.

If you love eating grapefruit or drinking its juice and are taking medications, definitely speak with your doctor or pharmacist to see if this affects you. Many medications are not metabolised by this enzyme, and even if they are, this grapefruit effect may not pose a serious risk for all of those medications.

So, now that you know grapefruit’s little secret go find out if you’re affected.

Do you know someone who loves grapefruit or its juice, and is taking medications that have the grapefruit effect? Share this post to let them know that they should double-check with their doctor or pharmacist before eating grapefruit.

Recipe (Tangy Citrusy): Non-Grapefruit Juice

Serves 2


  • 2 cups pineapple peeled & chopped
  • 1 cup cucumber, washed & chopped
  • 1 lemon peeled


Juice pineapple, cucumber and lemon.

Serve over ice & enjoy!

Tip: Top with fresh mint leaves.


Thanks for reading and keep well,


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Which Foods Can Help With Blood Pressure?

Which Foods Can Help With Blood Pressure?

Blood pressure is said to be the “#1 risk factor for death and disability in the world.”

If you have high blood pressure, it’s best that you are monitored by your healthcare professional. And if you’re on medication for high blood pressure never change that without speaking with a medical professional.

Today, we’ll talk about what exactly blood pressure is, and which foods and lifestyle factors can help with it.


What is high blood pressure?

It’s something your doctor commonly checks. You can even do it yourself in many pharmacies, or purchase at-home blood pressure monitors. It measures how hard your blood is pushing against the walls of your blood vessels.

If your vessels are stiff, the pressure increases. It’s important to get your blood pressure checked regularly because for many people there are no symptoms as it slowly creeps higher and higher.

This measurement is important because elevated high blood pressure for too long can cause serious damage. In extreme cases, it can result in blindness, kidney damage, stroke, or even a heart attack.

Here are a few of the foods and drinks that can help with blood pressure.


Eat more plants – This is key

If there is one thing you can to eat to help with blood pressure, it’s plants.

Plants increase your intake of many critical nutrients. Especially vitamins C, E, and folate; and minerals like magnesium, potassium, and sulfur. Not to mention the all-around health booster known as fibre. All of these nutrients are needed for optimal heart and blood health.

Some plants to eat more of include leafy greens (kale in particular), legumes, nuts/seeds, broccoli, cauliflower, and tomatoes.

Two plants I want to highlight in particular are flaxseeds and beets. A few tablespoons of ground flaxseeds a day is one of the best foods to help with blood pressure. Beets contain a blood pressure lowering substance called nitrate. Beet juice has been shown to reduce blood pressure within hours of drinking it.


Eat fewer processed foods

We’ve all heard the advice to reduce sodium intake for high blood pressure. Not surprisingly, most of the sodium in our diet is from the salt added to processed foods. It’s not from the dash or two on your homemade cooked-from-scratch dinner. Reducing processed food intake not only reduces sodium and sugar intake but also increases intake of more nutrient-dense less processed foods. Win-win.

Ditch the fast-food, takeaways, restaurant meals, and convenience snacks. Replace them with some of the plants I mentioned above.


Ditch the caffeine… particularly if you’re sensitive to it

Coffee has been shown to temporarily increase blood pressure. Its effects can last for up to three hours after drinking it. It may not be so bad if you’re not sensitive to it, but caffeine affects some people more than others. Some caffeine sensitivity symptoms include shakiness, worry, irregular heartbeat, or difficulty sleeping.

If you find caffeine affects you, then try switching to decaf or eliminating it altogether.

PRO TIP: Don’t drink a cup of regular coffee or have other sources of caffeine right before your next doctor’s appointment or blood pressure test.


Drink hibiscus tea

There is science behind the blood pressure lowering effects of hibiscus tea.

Several clinical studies have shown that it works. In one study, people drank two cups of strong hibiscus tea every morning. Those two cups were made using a total of five tea bags. This lowered the subjects’ blood pressure as much as a blood pressure medication.



In addition to food, know that a number of lifestyle factors can be helpful too.

  • First of all, if you smoke, really focus on quitting.
  • If you drink alcohol, don’t overdo it.
  • If you’re seriously stressed, try meditating, yoga, deep breathing, walking in nature, or any other way that busts your stress.
  • If you don’t exercise, start small. Also try not to overdo exercise if you already have high blood pressure.



High blood pressure can be a silent, and all-too-common issue. Elevated blood pressure puts you at risk for serious diseases.

If you have elevated blood pressure, you should be regularly monitored by your healthcare professional, and never change your medications without his/her input.

Some of the key food and lifestyle upgrades that can help with blood pressure are:

  • Eating more plants, particularly ground flaxseeds and beets
  • Eating fewer processed foods
  • Ditching caffeine if you’re sensitive to it
  • Drinking hibiscus tea
  • Quitting smoking
  • Not overdoing alcohol
  • Reducing stress
  • Exercising wisely


Recipe (Blood pressure balancing): Smoothie Bowl

Serves 1


  • 1 cup kale
  • ½ cup berries (your favourite kind)
  • ½ cup beets, raw, diced
  • ½ banana
  • 2 tbsp flaxseeds, ground
  • 1 dash cinnamon
  • ½ cup almond milk, unsweetened

Instructions: Add all ingredients to blender in order listed. Blend until smooth.

Serve & enjoy!

Tip: Feel free to top with a few berries or a sprinkle of cinnamon.


Thanks for reading and keep well,



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5 Natural Ways to Deal With Bloating

5 Natural Ways to Deal With Bloating

We’ve all been there. Post-holiday meal, sitting on the sofa feeling bloated, gassy and miserable.

The holidays are a great time to connect with your loved ones over good food and drinks, but they can leave us feeling heavy and fatigued.

Do you ever feel a bit “overextended” in the tummy after a meal? Perhaps “gassy?” Have you ever carried a “food baby?” I know I have.

Well, bloating is common. Up to 25-30% of people experience it regularly. It happens when you have trouble digesting. The symptoms come from excess gas, reactions to foods, or food not moving through you as well as it could.

There are many reasons you might experience these symptoms. Maybe because of a serious condition (disease), or a food allergy or intolerance (what you eat). It can also result from how you eat.

If you have a serious digestive issue like IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome), then make sure you eat accordingly. Same goes if you know certain foods give you gas. Simply avoid them.

If you’re already doing those things, and still experience bloating, here are some great tips for dealing with it naturally.

1 – Don’t overeat

If you overeat at a meal, then you will likely feel bigger around the mid-section. You’ll feel more pressure in your abdomen. Plus, you’re making your digestive system work harder. It’s better to eat until you feel almost full and not overindulge. Grab an extra snack or small meal throughout the day if you have to. Just don’t overdo it in one sitting.

2 – Avoid sugar alcohols

Sugar alcohols are low-calorie sweeteners made from sugars. In an ingredients list, they end in “-ol,” and include things like sorbitol, xylitol, and erythritol. They’re found in some chewing gums and sugar-free foods. Some people experience bloating after eating foods with these. So, try avoiding them and see if that helps you.

3 – Avoid swallowing air

Sometimes the gas that causes pressure in your digestive system is from swallowing air. Things like carbonated drinks are the biggest culprit here. You can also swallow air when you chew gum or drink through a straw, you can try avoiding these.

You can also swallow air when eating too quickly or while talking. Which leads me to…

4 – Eat slower, more mindfully, and less stressed

Eating too fast isn’t doing your digestive system any favours. You can help your digestion by chewing your food thoroughly and slowing down your eating habits. Be mindful and enjoy the time you are spending eating your meals. Savour them.

The feeling of stress can also cause increased bloating. Stress-reducing techniques can help improve your digestion. Try meditating or deep breathing (but not while you’re eating). 🙂

5 – Try peppermint

Peppermint oil has been shown to improve bloating. It’s thought to increase transit time by relaxing the stomach muscles and increasing the flow of bile. Try steeping fresh peppermint leaves, or a peppermint tea bag, and drinking it slowly. See if that helps reduce your symptoms.


There are many natural ways to deal with bloating.

First, avoid it by not eating things that give you gas or aggravate a digestive issue. Try not to overeat, consume sugar alcohols, or swallow air. Also, eating more mindfully and reducing stress can help too. Finally, if you are experiencing bloating, enjoy a cup of peppermint tea.

If you do all of these, and still experience bloating, then you may have a food intolerance; this could be from an allergy or intolerance. If you have a major concern, then please see your doctor. Your doctor can help to rule out a serious and/or chronic condition.

Recipe (peppermint): Peppermint Mocha Creamer

1 can coconut milk

½ cup almond milk, unsweetened

2 tbsp. cacao powder, unsweetened

½ tsp peppermint extract or essential oil (food-grade and safe for internal use)

3 tbsp. honey or maple syrup (optional)



Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until well combined.

Store in a sealed container in your fridge.

Serve & enjoy!

Tip: While the non-peppermint ingredients in this creamer may or may not be “de-bloating” for you, try these ideas too:

  • Grow peppermint yourself;
  • Chew on the fresh leaves; and/or
  • Steep them for tea.


Thanks for reading and keep well,


Are you excited for more support, ideas, and inspiration?

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It’s a supportive and inspirational community of women all on a mission to get healthy and happy together.  I share daily tips and recommendations in the group.

Why Am I Always Hungry?

Why Am I Always Hungry?

If you often feel hungry, you are not alone!

There are many reasons to feel hungry. Of course, the most obvious one is that you are actually physically hungry. Perhaps your stomach is empty, your blood sugar has dropped, and your hunger hormones are having a party.

But other times, the hunger may not be physical hunger. It may be a craving or an emotional trigger. These are common reasons why some people eat too much. It could be brought on by a certain type of diet, stress, or other things going on in life.

It’s easy to mistake “psychological” hunger for “physical” hunger.

I’m going to talk about the difference between both of these types of hunger, and give you some tips how to figure out which is which.


Physical hunger vs. psychological hunger

Your “physical” hunger is regulated by the body through your hunger hormones. You don’t want to be completely drained of fuel and nutrients for a long time. So, you’re programmed to seek food when your body physically needs it. Some of those physical needs are that your stomach is empty, or your blood sugar has dropped.

“Psychological” or “emotional” hunger is eating to overcome boredom, sadness, stress, etc. It’s based on a thought or feeling. It’s what happens when you see a great food commercial or smell a bakery. It’s not from your empty stomach or low blood sugar.

So, here’s how to tell which is which.


Eight steps to figure out if you’re physically hungry or not:

1 – The first thing you need to do is stop to evaluate.

2 – Now that you’ve stopped. Pay attention to where this hunger is coming from. Can you actually feel or hear your stomach growling? Did you skip a meal, and haven’t eaten in hours? Or are you seeing and smelling something divinely delicious? Perhaps you’re bored, sad, or stressed? Take a peek into all these areas and really pay attention.

3 – Have a big glass of water. Now observe your hunger feeling for at least a minute. Really dig into the source of the feeling. It can be easy to jump to a conclusion, but that may or may not be the right one. So, listen to your body and mind very deeply.

4 – If you do find that your feelings may be the source, then face them. Acknowledge and observe them. They may just be needing comfort and recognition, even if they sound like they need food. Try deep breathing, having a stretch, or going for a quick walk to release some of these emotions; this also gives your mind a chance to focus on something other than the feeling of hunger.

5 – If you’re pretty sure that your body physically needs nutrition, just wait a few more minutes to make sure.

6 – Now you can be fairly sure whether your hunger was from emotions, boredom, thirst, or actual physical hunger.

7 – If it’s physical hunger, feel free to eat healthy and nutritious food. Eat slowly and mindfully. Chew well and savour every bite of it.

8 – Rinse and repeat at the next sign of hunger.



The feeling of hunger can manifest for many reasons. Of course, if you’re physically hungry and need the food and nutrients, then this is what it’s for!

But often, there is an underlying psychological or emotional reason you might feel hungry.

Now you know my eight steps to figure out if your physical body is hungry, or if you’re bored, sad, or stressed.

Use this process repeatedly to feed your body what it actually physically needs.


Thanks for reading and keep well,


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