In 2015, I interviewed 21 wellness experts for The Radiance at Any Age Summit. We discussed wellness, clean nutrition, detox, mood, & stress management, self-healing, and more… all as a way to gain insight to find renewed confidence and energy. It was such an honour for me to interview these 21 inspirational wellness experts.

I asked each expert to share a tip, or something they felt was important to remember in life. I wanted to share them with you.


Joy Winkler – “I’d have to say that radiance and youthful vitality come, not so much from any lotion or potion you can buy, but instead from the inner glow that comes from savoring each and every moment and choosing to live joyfully, regardless of what’s going on around you.”

Lindsey Smith – “Love is the most nutrient dense ingredient we have. Don’t forget to infuse it when you cook. Eating and cooking with love is a great way to experience all the nutrients food has to offer.”

Fern Langham – “Choose the radiant life that is seducing your lungs.”

Andrea Beaman – “Always remember to love and care for yourself first. Once you do that, everything else will be taken care of.”

Chloe Brotheridge – ‘Schedule in time every day to relax and do something for yourself. If it’s not scheduled it often doesn’t happen.”

Sharon Feanny – “So, at the end of the day it’s all about balance.  What keeps me on track is Living Fit, that means eating a plant based diet, getting daily exercise and committing to my Yoga and Meditation practice.  From this healthy foundation, I’m able to enjoy and Live LIFE to its fullest.  I am present with my family, I connect with friends, I find time for travel, adventure and learning new things all the time.  Most importantly though, is making sure I am Living LOVE..First of all, self-love as you can’t truly love others unless you love and accept yourself.  When you love yourself you can open your heart to all beings and in doing so, you leave the world a better place!  So I invite you to daily check in with yourself and ask “Am I Living Fit, Living Life and Living LOVE”??  Namaste!”

Elicia Miller – “The #1 key to radiance at any age is self-love, loving your inner child and listening to your needs; through that comes the desire to take care of your body with healthy food, exercise, rest, healing practices, feeling your emotions (instead of numbing them causing dis-ease) plus you will make sure to have healthy relationships and choose based on how you feel around people and situations. When you love yourself, you have confidence, self-esteem and self-acceptance and are able to love others with compassion instead of judgement. And there is nothing more beautiful and radiant than a loving person who is aligned with their higher self. I think being radiant is all about being authentic, healthy, excited about life, playful and loving.”

Rachael Pontillo – “Eating the right foods and using the right skincare regimen for your unique needs + a self-loving, positive mindset = radiant skin for life!”

Evita Ramparte – “Fast. Fruit. Forgiveness. Eat Fruit. Get Juicy! Cleanse. Detox. Rejuvenate. Reclaim Your Body. Reclaim Your Life. Rise Like A Phoenix From The Ashes!”

Ann Louise Gittleman – “Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart.”

Rachel Feldman – “Be true to your self-care, honor putting yourself first and be self and you will radiate, detoxify with ease and lose weight naturally. It will be easy when you, put you first. Step into the sexy self you are because you deserve it.”

Lynn Burns – “An attitude of gratitude can make all the difference.  It will enrich your entire life and journey.”

Donnalynn Civello – “When you start to learn the life lessons you chose for yourself, the lessons get much easier and your life gets much happier and more peaceful. Do the work. Get the lesson and get out. Your life will be much better for it. What are you waiting for?”

Janet Raftis – “If you are vulnerable and show your heart, when you need it most, others will hold it up for you to see.”

Linda Celauro – “Do what feels right for you—don’t compare yourself to anyone else….and always trust that inner voice.”

Camille Leon – “Whatever it is you want, if you want more of it, better health is likely to help get you there faster. Holistic and natural health options create positive ripple effects (instead of negative side effects). And we have them at the Holistic Chamber of Commerce where you can search for free!”

Sandra Zimmer

  1. Authentic communication combines your emotion, your situation and what you want to happen.
  2. Your heightened emotion provides information to help uncover what you need to communicate to others.
  3. Every woman needs a form of self-expression to release the intensity of life and to reclaim the state of peace where she is free to communicate authentically.
  4. Self-expression is the thing you do for yourself to release inner emotions.  Communication is the message you give others to share what you think, feel and want.

Jeanna Brown – “Wanting to live a healthy lifestyle is a choice, nothing is perfect but you must try.” “Both emotional and physical wellness are equally important.”

Jolene Hart – “Instantly add more antioxidant power to your plate by focusing on eating an array of colorful foods. These natural pigments are a symbol of the powerful anti-aging, beauty-boosting phytochemicals contained in your food!”

Betty Murray – “One of the most profound things you can do for your health is reduce your busy-ness – the constant stress of being a human doing creates an atmosphere of self-care as a luxury rather than a requirement. It also leads to poor food choices and skipping exercise, rest and proper sleep – all factors that reduce our radiance.”

Holli ThompsonAge is a function of what’s going on in our brains and our lives. Our thoughts can create an extraordinarily beautiful aging process.”

These are all great reminders for us!

My takeaways…

Inner Beauty Endures, Regardless of Age…

Taking Care of Yourself on the Inside will be Reflected on the Outside…

Eating Well and Proper Self-Care Need to Be Non-Negotiable…

Temporary Fixes Are No Cure…

Everything You Need to Be Happy is Already Inside of You…

I hope we can all Rediscover the Radiance and Inner Beauty that lives in us ALL!

Thanks for reading, & keep well,
