As a health coach, people always assume that I eat a ‘perfect’ diet and do all the right things….well, to be honest, I don’t! I love crisps/chips, cheese & onion sandwiches, and my mouth waters at the thought of a French baguette with cheese, not to mention my red wine. And I certainly have a long way to go in the self-care department, but I do follow the 80/20 rule. Simply put, 80 percent of the time I focus on good-for-you foods, and 20 percent of the time I can indulge as I please. Remember deprivation doesn’t work and we all have good and bad days, and that’s okay because it’s all about balance and moving forward.

We’ve all been there, you’re in the car and hunger strikes, at a party not sure what to eat, or at a restaurant just staring at the menu. I’m often asked what I should eat when I’m out and about. I know many fear eating out when you’re trying so hard to follow a healthy plan, but eating out doesn’t have to sabotage a healthy diet.

Today I’m featuring a guest blog from the inspiring “Lady” Julie Montagu, aka The Flexi Foodie. Julie is a yoga & nutrition teacher at London’s top studios, a holistic health coach, teacher/lecturer, and author. Julie recently published her book, “Eat Real Food”, she is also the creator of her own superfood energy snacks perfectly coined JUB Julie’s Unbelievable Balls – she is on the realty show Ladies of London –  she launched a healthy menu at a local London restaurant named Bumpkin  – she is founder of the Flexi Foodie Academy  – and Julie is also a wife, and mum of 4 children!! WOW I think you might call her an expert on healthy living, or aka superwoman!!!


She sums herself up in one sentence “A yogini, health coach and wellness warrior that believes that what we eat is essential to the way we look and feel and that small changes to diet and attitudes around food and exercise can make a huge, positive difference in our lives.”

I think it’s important to remember that “we’re not perfect, we will make mistakes. But we’re doing our best, and that’s good enough.”  -Geneen Roth.

Many thanks to Julie Montagu  for allowing me to share her article!

Using smart-eating strategies such as these from Julie Montagu will help you stay focused and on track. Julie’s tips are spot on.  Click here to read Julie’s article!


Keep well and thanks for reading, and don’t forget to enjoy yourself along the way!




Tara Gloor Health Coach Signature






Are you ready to feel more energetic? More balanced?  More confident? Are you ready to get rid of those pesky cravings? Are you ready to learn how to create healthy habits?
I wanted to personally share my upcoming 14-day clean eating program with you.  It’s designed to help you Feel Better, Look Better, and Be Better.
We spend a lot of time taking care of others.  It’s now time to say YES to YOU! No fad diets, no pills, no powders just real food to simply your life and get back to basics with cleansing and detox techniques!  If you’re ready to move to the next level of being Radiant at Any Age, join me for my spring detox starting in a few weeks…stay tuned for details!