femme gourmande problèmes de poidsFor many, a hectic day at work followed by the stress of picking the kids up from school and taking them to an extracurricular event, only to be responsible for prepping a great dinner for the family, can lead to a session of comfort eating as a stress coping mechanism. Also known as “emotional eating”, or even “binge eating”, comfort eating may also be used as a replacement for things that are missing in your life: career fulfillment, a relationship, or the loss of a loved one.

The good news is, this type of eating is learned; a habit developed over time – which means it can be changed.

Binge eating for comfort

According to an article at PsychologyToday.com, “More people suffer from binge eating disorder than all the other eating disorders together.” As the author describes it, one of the many intervention programs for this type of eating has become known as “mindful eating” or “eating mindfully,” which is really more about HOW you eat than it is about WHAT you eat.

The New York Times describes mindful eating, or what others refer to as “conscious eating,” as the new craze in healthy eating. By making a meal a fully conscious sensuous experience, rather than a simple way to fuel your body or as a substitute for some emotional void, eating slowly with a full appreciation for each bite taken will slow the compulsion to binge, and reduce the rush toward weight gain.

Essentially, when it comes to comfort eating, the most effective way to make a change is to use a behavior modification approach. Don’t eat when you’re feeling emotional. Use your favorite foods as rewards, rather than as coping tools. Modification of your environment is also helpful, basically making it less comfortable to comfort eat. Reduce temptation by removing your favorite binge foods from the house.

Below are links to a couple of articles you may find helpful, with clues to help you control comfort eating:

If you would like to know more about how to stop comfort eating, emotional eating, or binge eating, please get in touch with me today for your FREE 30-Minute Wellness Consultation.

Thanks for reading and keep well.
