Are you ready to unlock your fountain of youth? Are you ready to learn the secrets to a healthier and more balanced life, enabling you to have Radiance at Any Age? I’ve put together The Radiance at Any Age Summit to help you discover those things – and more!

Beginning January 18th, you’re invited to learn from 21 Experts on Wellness, Clean Nutrition, Detox, Mood, Stress & Weight Management, Self-Healing, and more – all as a way to help you find renewed Confidence and Energy!

The 21 Radiant Women I’ve chosen to share their insights and support with you have been interviewed and recorded, then the event will go live, with recordings being emailed out. In addition, all of the guest speakers provide a FREE gift for you, just for attending!

Here are just a few of the experts you will hear from:

Rachel Feldman – detox specialist. Rachel believes in the power of detoxification, cleansing, and clean eating and natural solutions!

Holli Thompson – former VP for Chanel, turned creator of Nutritional Style. Holli believes in seasonal eating for a healthy, happy, radiant, and delicious life!

Chloe Brotheridge – calm coach. Chloe helps women to cope with stress and anxiety, enabling you feel calmer, happier, and more confident!

Ann Louise Gittleman – the first lady of nutrition. Ann Louise discusses her anti-aging tips, and secrets to staying radiant in middle years and beyond!

And many more! And – all of them Radiant Women themselves, and Recognized Wellness Gurus!

I chose to do this summit to find out if the infamous ‘fountain of youth’ could be found in the latest jar of skin cream or the latest procedure. What I discovered I must say did quite shock me. Overwhelmingly, 21 successful, and radiant wellness experts concluded that radiance comes from within…that is where the real beauty is!

While we see these famous quotes:

  • “Getting older is evitable, but aging is optional” – Christiane Northrup
  • Age is just a number…
  • “Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter.” Mark Twain
  • 40 is the new 20, 60 is the new 40….
  • You get wiser with age!

Let’s be honest, some days it’s not that easy to embrace your age, especially after finding those few stray grey hairs and wrinkles that seemed to appear overnight. I must admit turning 40 did hit me. I started looking into the mirror more closely, and those fine lines and wrinkles that hadn’t really bothered me in my thirties were suddenly staring back at me, and I was paying much more attention to them.

I know I’m not alone. It seems that many women including my own friends and clients have concerns about aging. Shockingly according to the Global Industry Analysts report, global spending on anti-aging products was estimated to reach $291.9 billion in 2015 – that’s astounding.

We are bombarded with ads like “look good for your holiday parties – Botox specials,” “ultimate anti-aging serum,” “this cream can banish bat wings, whittle the waist, minimize hips and thighs, and melt belly bulge.” Subconsciously, this makes us feel inadequate.

There’s no doubt that people around the world are preoccupied with aging. We are all looking for ways to turn back the clock. Why are we so obsessed with wrinkles and aging in the first place?

Some key takeaways from my summit…

“Be true to your self-care, honor putting yourself first and be self and you will radiate, detoxify with ease and lose weight naturally. It will be easy when you, put you first. Step into the sexy self you are because you deserve it.” Rachel Feldman


“Instantly add more antioxidant power to your plate by focusing on eating an array of colorful foods. These natural pigments are a symbol of the powerful anti-aging, beauty-boosting phytochemicals contained in your food”! Jolene Hart


“Radiance and youthful vitality come, not so much from any lotion or potion you can buy, but instead from the inner glow that comes from savoring each and every moment and choosing to live joyfully, regardless of what’s going on around you.” Joy Winkler


“Do what feels right for you—don’t compare yourself to anyone else….and always trust that inner voice & your radiance will shine through.” Linda Celauro


“The #1 key to radiance at any age is self-love, loving your inner child and listening to your needs; through that comes the desire to take care of your body with healthy food, exercise, rest, healing practices, feeling your emotions (instead of numbing them causing dis-ease) plus you will make sure to have healthy relationships and choose based on how you feel around people and situations. When you love yourself, you have confidence, self-esteem and self-acceptance and are able to love others with compassion instead of judgement.


And there is nothing more beautiful and radiant than a loving person who is aligned with their higher self. I think being radiant is all about being authentic, healthy, excited about life, playful and loving.” Elicia Miller


“Always remember to love and care for yourself first. Once you do that, everything else will be taken care of.” Andrea Beaman


Not only will you learn that age really is just a number, but you will discover that the “healthy glow” that every woman strives for is attainable naturally – by taking care of yourself and putting yourself first. It’s not found in the latest fad diet, skin care cream, or hot new ‘procedure’. No, it’s found in YOU!


Click here to sign up to join Me and 21 Radiant women for the FREE Radiance at Any Age Summit!


What is the most MOST IMPORANT thing you will learn from this Summit? Your Inner Beauty is the key to Radiance at Any Age!


This summit truly has made me view my wrinkles and greys in a different light. Yes, it’s true that in our middle years we might have more wrinkles, but they are signs that we have experienced life, we have lived and laughed, and the best is yet to come. And with self-care and self-compassion, we truly can be Radiant at Any Age!

Please take a few minutes to watch this video. I find it both empowering and inspiring –


Keep well, and thanks for reading!





