Succo di pompelmo rosaThe concepts of detoxification and cleansing have become very popular across North America in the past decade or so, for many good reasons. Not the least of these reasons is that the foods that are mass produced for consumers in Western countries are loaded with preservatives and chemicals, processed sugars, and salt. Further, many of these foods’ nutrients have been removed, leaving nothing but empty calories.

Foods like this, which have been so heavily processed, tend to sit in the gut or the bowels, leading to constipation, irritable bowels, and other digestive problems that can literally drain your energy, as your body struggles to metabolize things it wasn’t meant to digest.

Benefits of a juice cleanse

According to research performed by the Mayo Clinic, your body will require 6-8 hours to process a meal through your stomach and small intestine. However, that food will then require another 25-39 hours to pass through your large intestine and be eliminated. “The average transit time through just the large intestine (colon) was 40 hours, with a significant difference between men and women: 33 hours for men, 47 hours for women.” That is an awful lot of work for your body, isn’t it?

What this means of course, is that your body is constantly processing food: 24/7, 365. It also means that your body never really catches up, never mind getting ahead of the game; often leaving useless waste to stagnate in your bowels.

A juice cleanse can benefit you by reducing the amount of food volume you ingest, while still providing all of the nutrients, vitamins, and minerals your body requires to function normally. The resulting reduction in volume will allow your digestive system to purge itself of all the waste that has accumulated over many years. Your body will stop wasting energy on the digestion of difficult to process foods, or on eliminating old waste material.

Once your juice cleanse is complete, the clearing of your digestive tract will allow your body to function more easily and efficiently, leaving you the energy you need to perform more effectively. As a bonus, once your body has been detoxified of stagnant waste. Your mind will feel cleansed as well, with increased mental acuity and focus.

If you would like to know more about the benefits of juice cleansing and detoxification, please get in touch with me today for your FREE 30-Minute Wellness Consultation.

Thanks for reading and keep well.
