Constipation tends to be something that we avoid in our everyday conversations. It is not a very glamorous conversation, but it is an important one. It’s nothing to be embarrassed about, and if you’ve ever experienced it (and who hasn’t) you know it’s not a laughing matter.

My first experience with constipation was in university, largely due to my awful diet (shh). Yes, diet really does play a role in going to the loo, I’m living proof of that. There are many things you can do to help relieve and prevent that awful bloated and uncomfortable feeling.

In this article by Kris Carr, Kris mentions drinking more water. This simple step has really helped me. Most adults need around 8 to 10 glasses of water per day, but if you’re suffering from constipation try to up your water intake.

Adding more fibre and roughage to your diet does wonders. Some great sources are nuts, berries, beans and flax meal or seeds. Exercise is another constipation buster, if you want things to move through your body, you need to move too! This is a tough one for me as exercise isn’t my favourite thing to do (shh). Even a little exercise does a lot to relieve constipation. Begin with walking and gradually increase your exercise intensity. I recently discovered rebounding, it’s great fun.

The normal length of time between bowel movements varies greatly from person to person, but ideally we should aim for going to the loo once or twice daily for optimum health. Remember to listen to your body and pay attention to what it is telling you!

Good news, thankfully, constipation is something that can often be effectively treated naturally. As a bonus, many of the lifestyle changes that help constipation (diet, exercise, etc.) make you an overall happier, and healthier person – it’s a win-win!