How to Survive the Holidays

How to Survive the Holidays

The month of December, regardless what holiday you celebrate, can be a challenging and stressful time for many people. How you are feeling around the holidays can directly impact how and what you eat. While this time of year Christmas can bring lots of joy & happiness, for many people, it can be quite stressful. If you are feeling anxious about the upcoming holiday, remember that with a little preparation, mindfulness, and mental effort, we can keep ourselves grounded and together so that we can celebrate and connect with family and friends to create a healthy, relaxing, and restorative time.

Click here for some tips from Kris Carr to help avoid overeating.

The things that help me are:


      1. Eating regularly: If you are going to an event, remember to eat before an event to fuel your body, don’t starve yourself all day in anticipation. You’re in danger of arriving ravenous and eating everything in sight. By eating throughout the day, you are less likely to over-indulge.
      2. Planning ahead: Creating a healthy eating schedule will keep your metabolism elevated by preventing overeating & giving in to those pesky cravings.
      3. Balancing your meals & use a plate: Might sound silly, but using a plate can help you keep track of what you are eating. Fill your plate with healthier options first, leaving a little room for those treats.
      4. Stocking up on healthy snacks: Always have healthy snacks available to avoid temptation. Nuts & seeds are great options.
      5. Watching your alcohol: Remember to watch the calorie-laden eggnog, and pay attention to your holiday drinks. Before you know it your coffee has turned into a dessert.
      6. Focusing on the event: Try socializing with friends, family members, or colleagues and concentrate on mingling not just eating.
      7. Finally, try and treat the holidays as one day, not one month. Get back into your healthy regime after the event. If you do overindulge, don’t dwell on it. Acknowledge it and move on.



  1. If you do find yourself tempted, and those pesky cravings are attacking try these easy “5 D’s” to help manage your cravings – they really do help! They are:


  2. Delay – Distract – Distance – Determine – Decide. 

  3. Delay:  Postpone whatever you’ve got a fancy for, wait 10-15 minutes.  You’re not saying ‘no’ you are simply stopping to think before you eat.

    Distract:  Try a non-food activity to give you something to do.  If you’re at an event, engage in conversation.  If you’re at home, call a friend, or brush your teeth.  Often cravings disappear in a few minutes when we keep our hands and minds busy without food.

    Distance: It’s important to keep your food triggers at arm’s length. If you’re at home, keep those tempting foods hidden, or better yet try and avoid buying them. If you’re at an event, focus on the conversation and guests around you rather than the food.

    Determine: After waiting 10-15 minutes, determine whether you are physically hungry, or simply thirsty, often these two get confused.  Also, consider whether you might have an emotional or boredom hunger.  Try and avoid getting over-hungry. This can be solved by keeping to a regular eating schedule.

    Decide: Now it’s time to make a decision.  Do you really want that ‘something’ that you have been eyeing, does it still look as appealing, or has the temptation passed? The important lesson here is to think before you eat.

    If you do overindulge, please don’t dwell on it. Acknowledge it and move on.

    Finally, enjoy the holidays and don’t deprive yourself, just keep some of these tips in mind!

    Wishing everyone Health, Happiness & Prosperity!


    Thanks for reading and keep well,


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