Looking for a fast, delicious and nutritious meal?

Look no further than an Avocado Bake.


1 medium avocado

2 eggs

1 piece of cooked bacon, crumbled – (optional)

1 Tbsp. cheese – (optional)

Pinch of sea salt


  1. Preheat oven to 425 degrees F – 220 degrees C.
  2. Begin by cutting the avocado in half & removing the pit.
  3. With a spoon, scoop some of the avocado out of the shell & place in a muffin pan to keep the avocado stable while cooking.
  4. Crack a raw egg into your avocado shell. Sprinkle with a little cheese (optional) and a pinch of salt.  Top with cooked bacon (optional).
  5. Cook for about 14-16 minutes.


My daughter Francesca and I absolutely love this dish.  Enjoy!

Eggs and avocados are both loaded with nutrients.

Click here for some benefits of eggs.

Click here for some benefits of avocados.

Learn how to ripen a hard avocado within minutes here!


Thanks for reading and keep well,


Tara Gloor Health Coach Wellness Expert Signature (5)